You Got This! - The Journey
Are you lacking motivation? Energy? Do you need some inspiration to light a fire under your ass so that you can start living your dream life? SAME. Join Shannon Andress every week to explore ways we can improve mentally, physically, and spiritually. As Shannon embarks on her own journey and shares tips and tricks that work for her, she will also interview guests who will share their stories and discuss what has has been most successful for them. Follow our Instagram page YouGotThis_TheJourney for daily inspirational posts, motivational tips and tricks, submit questions, and be a part of a supportive community as you begin your own journey. YOU GOT THIS!
You Got This! - The Journey
You've Been Ghosted
Shannon Andress
Season 2
Episode 28
Journiers... You have been GHOSTED. But your fuckboy of a host Shannon Andress is back and ready to provide closure on why she took a break from the podcast and giving you all the journey updates you need to hear. In this vulnerable and raw episode, Shannon gets real about the struggles she faced leading up to the break she decided to take. Triggers, burnout, and self doubt reemed their ugly heads into Shannon's journey. While the journey was emotional and difficult, Shannon is sharing the important lessons she learned and progress she has made. Get ready to laugh, cry, and take action to find your motivation in this episode. YOU GOT THIS!
Submit your questions and feedback on instagram @yougotthis_thejourney