You Got This! - The Journey
You Got This! - The Journey
Wedding Dresses, Backflips, Routines, and Everything In Between
She said YES!!! Shannon said YES to her wedding dress this weekend! *Cue the ugly tears and high pitched screams*. Listen to Shannon share all about her wedding dress shopping experience and what tips and tricks she has to share with all of you. It was quite an eventful week with family time, dress shopping, and so much more. Shannon is also covering today the topic of routines. When is it time to say goodbye to your routine? Shannon is sharing how her routine has changed entirely and why we have to be more comfortable removing things that used to serve us but no longer do. Get ready for a fun solo episode covering a variety of topics this week Journiers!
Submit your feedback, questions, and topics you would like discussed, to our Instagram page & Facebook page YouGotThis_TheJourney.
Check out Shannon’s 6 Week Goal Setting For The Goal Getter program and workbook! 6-Week Goal Setting Guide For The Goal Getter! | My Site (shannonandress.com)
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