You Got This! - The Journey
You Got This! - The Journey
Becoming A Runner
Have you ever considered running because you were inspired by someone but then said "No I'm not a runner, I can't do that"? Or have you started running but then fell off track and have decided "Eh it's just not for me"? Trust me, we get it! Shannon has been there too, believe it or not. Shannon who has completed countless 5Ks, a half marathon, and is completing another half marathon this year, also struggled with becoming a runner. Shannon is sharing her journey today from being someone who despised running and could complete .25 miles at best to the runner she is today. Shannon is sharing all of her best tips and tricks with you to get you to be the runner you wish to be and also sharing some interesting facts about how running is good for us! Tag Shannon if you were inspired after today's episode to start running and send her any questions you have!
Before jumping into today's episode, Shannon is sharing the current struggles she is having with her nutrition right now and the steps she is taking to combat some of the struggles she has had with her relationship with food. She also has some fun updates about her engagement party and engagement photos that happened this week!
Submit your feedback, questions, and topics you would like discussed, to our Instagram page & Facebook page YouGotThis_TheJourney.
Check out Shannon’s 6 Week Goal Setting For The Goal Getter program and workbook! 6-Week Goal Setting Guide For The Goal Getter! | My Site (shannonandress.com)
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