You Got This! - The Journey
You Got This! - The Journey
Raise your glass and cheers Journiers! Are you ready for an exciting part of the journey?! Shannon is engaged! In today’s episode Shannon is sharing everything about her engagement story and giving you all the details that you want to hear. While sharing her engagement story, Shannon is having a glass of wine with all of the Journiers to celebrate this exciting moment. She is ready to share this new part of the journey with all of you and can’t wait for every other milestone that’s to come. So if any Journiers have any questions on the wedding planning process or anything, send them to Shannon!
Check out Shannon’s 6 Week Goal Setting For The Goal Getter program and workbook! 6-Week Goal Setting Guide For The Goal Getter! | My Site (shannonandress.com)
Sign Up For Our Newsletter! ABOUT ME | My Site (shannonandress.com)
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